
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Brunchin: Beast

Spotted: Papua New Guinea
Method: French Press
Where: Beast Restaurant - 96 Teucumseh
Roaster: Toi and Moi
Located: Montreal. QC

French Press to share is always a good bet when brunching with best friends.

To add to the experience, a Maple-Bacon Doughnut. Mmmmmm.
O Canada. Eh?!

Verdict: pleasantly smooth, nice body, spicy notes.
Overall: as Saveur article goes... It paired well. The richness and fats in the treat picked up the spicy, balanced chocolate/ pear notes in the PNG.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring cleaning

Long weekends, multiple brewing session
Cleaning equipment.

Sounds like a plan.

Happy Easter weekend

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

As seen on: White Squirrel owner opening new digs?

Thanks to the Grid: Snack Shop may just be opening up at Queen/Augusta soon.

From the owners of White Squirrel near Trinity Bellwoods.

full article here

Friday, March 22, 2013

Featured espresso: SJCB-PATH edition

Spotted: SJCB-PATH
Feat. Espresso: Toi & Moi

Nuff said

Monday, March 18, 2013

M4: Classic

Bring back my love for Manic coffee muffins by sharing my latest experience.

Spotted; Classic espresso
Manic Coffee

"Reaction: that's some amazing shot, rich mouthfeel, floral, but chocolately. Great finish"

I suspect a ristretto.
Really enjoyed it

Friday, March 15, 2013

Video: Coffee and Relationship

Reunion Island with father/son duo (Peter and Adam)

Featured in a nice video:

Things a learn from the video:

- The new coffee bags look awesome

- How roasters can make a difference thru social change

- Single-cup becoming more popular

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Donut and Coffee pairing

Saveur Magazine has this article about Donuts and Coffee.... (full text)

Just drooling with the combinations of the two quintessential food and drink pairing... almost like milk and cookies.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Environmental Impact

This breakdown of our environmental impact from Farm to brewing sheds a spotlight on the process of coffee making..

Found this poster link through Twitter/ Peter G. Thanks social media

All images are from Bent. Please do not use without permission. Thank you to Ben for this work

Thursday, March 7, 2013

NYC: Ban of 16oz+ drinks

New York is all things I love, and this new enforcement of:

The city’s new regulations regarding coffee hinge on delicate calculations about milk, calorie and sugar ratios. As with other sugary drinks, coffee cups 16 ounces or smaller are unaffected. But unlike sodas, which will max out at 16 ounces, cups of coffee larger than 16 ounces can still be served as long as the barista adds no more than three to five packets of sugar. (The limit depends on the size of the drink.)
Full article from NYT (link)

Plus this amazing video pops-up from @vashebbadi (link)

Best is this conversation on Twitter!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Video Alert: Brewing by Pilot Coffee

If you haven't checked out Pilot Coffee 3 part video series... you really should.

Plus it features @beanlink

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Featured coffee: Ethiopia

Featured Coffee

Spotted: From down-under
Origin: Djimmah, Ethiopia
Location: SW
Farm: Unknown
Process: (sun)Dry processed

Roasters: Workshop espresso
Located: Sydney, Australia
Price. A$16
Weight: 250g // 0.55 lbs

Method: Chemex with v3 Kone
Grinder:  Hario Silm hand grinder

Weight: 35g ~ 590 ml (16ml water: 1 g)
Pour: 45s bloom, 3:40 brew time
Brewed: 2 - 10oz.

Taste: Sweetness, pleasant acidity, and strong full body. Nice finish. Sweet Aromatic and floral off of the cup.

Buy again: If I could, I would

Friday, March 1, 2013

March'n around town

SPRING is almost here!!!

I'm really excited about this, along with more coffees from Central America.
I've been drinking a lot of African coffees, and will need to report back soon.

In the mean time,

That's me, being really excited.

Can you tell?